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Doomsday Preppers Are Crazy?

boiling water to sterilize

People who build underground bunkers, stockpile weapons and other tools are called "Preppers." Some Preppers claim they're crazy. Others say they're just like-minded people who want the best for all eventualities. In the end, however, the Preppers are just people who want to feel safe and protected.

Preppers refer to people who want security and are prepared for anything that may happen in life.

Preppers like the idea of being protected. They build complex underground bunkers and remote fortified compounds. They also stockpile tons and tons of food, water, and supplies. They can set up whole food systems and even have power generators to power them. This is done to protect their children. The media encourages this fantasy.

the rule of threes survival

They create underground bunkers

Doomsday preppers are people who prepare for an event or disaster. They build underground bunkers faster now than ever. Texas leads the country in underground bunker building. Rising S Company is one the most popular companies for underground shelters. Rising S Company's products are priced starting at $48,000 for an emergency shelter and going up to $8 Million for a large underground shelter. The logo of the company features three crucifixes. This suggests it caters specifically to Christian evangelists.

They store weapons

In recent years, the number of doomsday preppers has increased drastically in the United States. This can be attributed to America's ever-growing fear for an apocalyptic world. Doomsday preparers stockpile food, weapons, and other supplies in preparation for possible apocalypse scenarios.

They are able to avoid failure and succeed.

Doomsday-preppers attempt to be prepared for the worst. Some are very specific about what they think will happen and won't share their plans with others.

They are paranoid

The Doomsday Preppers Subreddit is a vibrant community for people who care about the future of the world. This community has over 32,000 members and focuses on issues such as survival, climate change, nuclear warfare, and other related topics. Its members represent a small, but growing segment of society.

10 survival tips

They distrust each other

Doomsday preppers are a specific subset in society. They concentrate on the possible demise of society and help to solve the aftermath. They distrust people and institutions like the electric grid, the cellphone service and the internet. Yet they use these services to communicate with one another and share tips and tricks.


What should be your first instinct in a survival situation

Assessing the situation is the first thing you should do in an emergency. You should be aware of what is happening around and where you are.

You should also know what to expect from your surroundings. If you live in a remote area, communication may be impossible.

You should learn as much as possible if you don't already know something.

It is best to seek immediate help if you are in danger. But if you're not in immediate danger, it might be worth taking some time to gather information to determine what happened.

What are the essential survival skills?

Survival skills are essential for survival. They include the ability to build shelter, protect yourself from danger, and hunt, fish, as well as how to catch food. These skills are critical no matter where one lives, but they are especially important when travelling alone or in remote regions.

Survival skills also include things like first aid, self-defense, navigation, communication, and wilderness medicine. They are crucial life-saving and must be understood before venturing in the unknown.

These skills are not the only ones you should have. There are many valuable skills that can be useful when you're away from home. You might want to learn techniques for climbing mountains if you're planning on going on vacation. Or, if camping in the desert is your plan, learn how you can survive in extreme temperatures. There are many options to prepare for any scenario, so don’t hesitate to explore new possibilities and learn new skills.

How can you remain calm in a survival situation

In most situations, patience and calmness will be your best friends. It's easy, especially in a survival situation where you are isolated from civilization, to panic. You can be calm and patient no matter what happens.

It's important to remember that you cannot change the outcome of a situation. Only you have control over how you respond. In this way, you can still feel good about yourself even though you didn't accomplish everything you wanted to.

It is essential to keep calm and collected in an emergency situation. This includes being mentally and physically ready.

Mental preparation includes having a clear goal in mind and setting realistic expectations for yourself.

Physical preparation includes ensuring you have enough food and water to last until rescue arrives.

After you have completed these two steps, you can begin to relax and enjoy your experience.

How to Navigate Without a Compass, or with it?

Although it doesn't give you a map of where you are heading, a compass can help you navigate back home if your bearings have been lost.

You can navigate using three different methods:

  1. By landmarks
  2. Use a compass to find magnetic North
  3. By stars

Landmarks can be objects you recognize as soon as you see them. They include trees, buildings, rivers, etc. Landmarks provide visual clues to where you live.

Magnetic North simply means the direction where the Earth’s magnetic field points. You'll see that the sun appears as if it is moving across the sky when you look up. However, the earth's magnetic field actually causes the sun to move around the earth. The sun appears to move across the sky but it actually moves around the horizon. At noon the sun is directly overhead. The sun is directly beneath you at midnight. The magnetic field of the earth is constantly changing. This means that the exact direction and orientation of the North pole magnetically changes each day. This means that sometimes you may be off course for quite a while.

Stars are another method for navigating. Stars appear to rise and set over the horizon. These are fixed points in space that you can use to determine your location relative to other locations.

How long does it take to find help after becoming lost?

This depends on several factors:

  • Where are you?
  • What type of terrain do you have?
  • Whether you have cell phone reception
  • It doesn't matter if someone has seen you.
  • It doesn't matter if your are hurt
  • It doesn't matter if you're dehydrated
  • No matter if you've been drinking water.
  • Whether you have eaten recently
  • You should wear appropriate clothing
  • No matter if you're carrying a compass or a map,
  • How familiar are your local surroundings?
  • How much time has passed since you became lost
  • How long did it take you to search for help?
  • How long does people take to notice you are gone?
  • How fast they decide to search you
  • How many rescuers attract you?
  • How many rescues were you able to receive?


  • Not only does it kill up to 99.9% of all waterborne bacteria and parasites, but it will filter up to 1,000 liters of water without the use of chemicals. (hiconsumption.com)
  • Without one, your head and neck can radiate up to 40 percent of your body heat. (dec.ny.gov)
  • The downside to this type of shelter is that it does not generally offer 360 degrees of protection and unless you are diligent in your build or have some kind of tarp or trash bags, it will likely not be very resistant to water. (hiconsumption.com)
  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)

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How To

How to Create a Fishtrap To Survive

A fish trap is a device designed to catch fish. It is composed of two parallel bars (the "trays") which form a funnel shape. The water flows through one trap end. Water collects at its bottom in the first tray. This causes the water to rise. As the water rises higher, it falls through the second bar, allowing the trapped fish to swim out.

Fish traps have existed since antiquity and were used originally to catch salmon. They still work today, but now they're also used to catch many types of freshwater catfish, such as bass and carp.

If you have access to enough water, it is possible to make your own fish trap. You'll want to use some kind of material to line the inside of the trap. If you don’t have enough space, you can order a commercial fishtrap kit online. These kits usually come with everything you need except for the materials to construct the trap itself.

Here are some points to remember when you make your fish trap.

  • To prevent water from leaking through the trap's sides, ensure they are strong.
  • Try to choose a place that has plenty of sunlight so that the sun will warm up the water.
  • Use a smooth surface like concrete or stone for the bottom of the trap because rough surfaces tend to attract sand and gravel particles.
  • Keep the area around the trap free of debris so that there won't be any obstacles for the fish to get caught in.

After you've constructed the fishtrap, you need to place it close to the edge. You don't have to worry about the fish escaping. Just leave the trap alone for several days and they will start swimming in again. You don't need to clean the trap as it should be left wet. If there are any dead fish in the pond, they can be removed later.


Doomsday Preppers Are Crazy?